Rat race (2001) ...The funniest race ever...

Rat Race is a genuine comedy with lots of funny stuff. It is narrated around 6 strange groups.  They are racing each other; not for nothing but two million US Dollars. It is an offer made by a casino owner. For him and his punter friends, this is the most anticipated casino event of the year. Not only they watch the race but also control it as they desire.

The rat race is an old film with golden touches. The story is so unique and different from all the comedies I have ever watched. In a way, it shows how influential a bag of money could be. It can change a man upside down and bring a side which no one has ever seen. In short, money can bring the Mr.Hyde of anyone. In this film, this transformation shows hilariously. But it is not hilarious all the time. It has turned most of us into machines with no human hearts. 
We all are in a race. In which we chase money, success, luxury, etc..etc...We don't see the void until we are too late to turn around. So, while laughing with the film, we must also stop in our tracks and take a look behind to find out what we have left behind before it is too late.

Directed By    

Box office
Jerry Zucker
·         Rowan tkinson
·         John Cleese
·         Whoopi  Goldberg

112 minutes
$48 million
$85.5 million
Paramount Pictures
PG-13 (for sexual references, crude humor, partial nudity and language)


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